Thursday, May 10, 2007

Cape Cod man faces vehicular homicide charges - Boston Herald Article

Well it seems that Parker's $10,000 cash bail/$100,000 surety has been noticed by the Associated Press, and because of that Parker's arraignment yesterday is receiving new media attention. So far in a brief search I've found mention in the Cape Cod Times, the Boston Herald, and on WLNE channel 6's website. I'll continue to post the articles as I find more. Some of the stories are similar with only minor changes since the media uses the articles from the AP.
Cape Cod man faces vehicular homicide charges
By Associated Press Thursday, May 10, 2007
Updated: 06:27 AM EST

BARNSTABLE - A Cape Cod man who has been convicted of impaired driving four times pleaded not guilty to vehicular homicide on Wednesday.

Christopher Parker, 50, faces the charge in connection with a three-vehicle crash in March that resulted in the death of a Sandwich woman.

Parker was taken into custody on the homicide charge after a Falmouth District Court judge revoked his bail in an unrelated case in which he is charged with driving under the influence of drugs.

Parker pleaded not guilty at his arraignment in Barnstable District Court on Wednesday and was ordered held on $10,000 cash bail. He was also charged with driving with a revoked license.
Diane Carhart, 63, was killed March 5 when her vehicle was struck from behind on Route 130 by Parker’s car and pushed into the path of an oncoming NStar [NST] pickup truck, according to police. Parker suffered minor injuries.

"It’s been really hard leading up to Mother’s Day," Carhart’s daughter, Susan Linhares, told The Cape Cod Times. "Everywhere you turn, there are reminders and it’s very difficult."

Parker’s driving record includes four operating under the influence convictions.
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