Saturday, July 28, 2007

New Feature - Please Vote In Our Polls!

In order to be able to get an idea of what people are thinking in regards to various Massachusetts laws relating to repeat offenders, operating under the influence of drugs or alcohol, vehicular homicide, and concurrent sentencing I will be putting a few polls up, located just under Diane's picture at left.

Polls will generally last for 30 days or longer.

All votes are anonymous and while you can only vote once, you can go back and change that vote.

Please take the time to vote.

Within the week I will be putting up a link to an online petition too. Be sure to check back as we start phase two of this site. Now that Parker has been sentenced and sent to jail (too briefly in my opinion) I will Begin to work in earnest to bring our motor vehicle laws in line with most other states. At this time Massachusetts is losing out on Federal funding because the driving laws are not in line with federal guidelines - Lets do something to fix that!

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